List With 211

List your service on 211. It’s easy and free!

Add or update your record

To add your agency to the 211 database, or to make changes to your agency’s listing, please follow these steps:

  1. Download our application: 211NorCal Listing Application or apply online.
  2. Fill out the application and save any changes.
  3. Return the completed application according to instructions on the first page.

If you wish to request a link to add your listing directly online, or if you wish to have someone call you to add or update your listing over the phone, please email:

What’s in the database?

Find out how we determine what agencies to include or exclude in the 211NorCal database: 2-1-1-NorCal-Inclusion-Exclusion-Policy.

Informational Sessions

211Norcal welcomes the opportunity to visit your organization to share about our services and show your staff how to effectively use 211. To arrange a presentation, email:

211 and Service Providers are a Partnership

We help your agency by referring callers and website users to your organization’s services.  When a client asks you about a service your organization does not or cannot provide, you can direct them to 211 for help.

You can help us by ensuring your organization is listed in our database and that service information is kept up-to-date.  Plus you can spread the word about 211 to clients, colleagues, friends and family.