COVID-19 Isolation and Testing Guidance Update – Tehama County Health Services Agency

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidance has moved to a symptom-based approach.

Key Changes for individuals who test positive for COVID – 19

  1. Stay home until you have not had a fever for 24 hours with the use of fever-reducing medications and other symptoms are mild and improved.
  2. Mask when you are around other people for 10 days after you have become sick or tested positive.
  3. Avoid contact with individuals who are at high risk.


Updated Reccomendations for Close Contacts:

  1. Testing for Asymptomatic Contacts: Tests only if you are at higher risk of server disease or have contact with vulnerable individuals.
  2. Symtomatic Close Contacts: Testing and masking are still recommeded for those with symptoms.


Read full Public Service Annoucement Below:


COVID-19 Isolation and Testing Guidance Updates

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) guidance related to COVID-19 has moved
to a symptom-based approach. CDPH has updated recommendations for individuals who
have tested positive for the virus and for those who have been in close contact with
confirmed cases. For further information, please see:

The “infectious period” definition now reads- from the day of symptom(s) until 24 hours
have passed with no fever-reducing medications and symptoms are mild and improving.

Key Changes for Individuals who test positive with COVID-19:
1. Stay home until you have not had a fever for 24 hours without the use of feverreducing medications and other symptoms are mild and improving (symptom-based
2. Mask when you are around other people for 10 days after you have become sick or
tested positive.
3. Avoid contact with individuals who are at high risk such as those who live in
congregate living or who are immune compromised.

Updated Recommendations for Close Contacts:
1. Testing for Asymptomatic (i.e., no symptoms) Contacts: Asymptomatic individuals
exposed to confirmed cases are recommended to test only if they are at higher risk
of severe disease or have contact with vulnerable individuals.
2. Symptomatic Close Contacts: Testing and masking are still recommended for those
with symptoms.

Important Notes:
• Schools and most workplaces will adopt these new guidelines, although healthcare
settings may follow different protocols.
• Anyone with new symptoms of COVID-19 whether there is a known exposure or not
should test right away.

What You Can Do:
1. Stay Informed: Refer to updated guidance from the CDPH for the latest
recommendations on isolation, quarantine, and testing. See: for testing information and
2. Prioritize Vaccination: Vaccination significantly reduces severe illness and the
spread of viruses. Check with your healthcare provider about recommended
vaccines for you and your family. You can find recommended immunization
schedules here:
3. Follow Precautions: Stay home when sick, get tested for symptoms, wear masks in
indoor public spaces, practice good hand hygiene, and cover coughs or sneezes.
4. Prescription Medications: Act fast to test and treat COVID-19. For more information
about prescription COVID-19 medications visit:
While the impact of COVID-19 has lessened, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and protect
ourselves and others from respiratory viruses. For more information and detailed
guidance, visit the CDPH website:

For more information contact:
Tehama County Health Services Agency – Public Health
Red Bluff: (530) 527-6824; Corning: (530) 824-4890; or Toll Free: 1-800-655-6854