Disasters can happen to anyone. Being prepared is important for the well-being of you and your family. In a real emergency, you will feel calmer, and in control, when you are prepared and know what to do.
Five Safety Steps for any Disaster:
1. Get alerts to know what to do.
2. Make a plan to protect your people.
- Disaster-Ready-Guide – English
- Listos California Tips for Public Health Emergencies – English
- Disaster-Ready-Guide – Spanish
- Listos California Tips For Public Health Emergencies – Spanish
3. Get to safety with things you need.
4. Stay safe at home when you can’t leave.
5. Help friends and neighbors get ready.
- Neighbors Helping Neighbors
- Siskiyou County –Sign up for additional evacuation help due to an access or functional need.
Learn more about LISTOS and get resources in more languages.