When a disaster or other emergency strikes…
Call 2-1-1 or Click Here For Current Fire Information
Whether a fire, flood, earthquake, terrorist act, or public health issues such as West Nile Virus or vaccine shortages, 2-1-1 provides a central source of information where people can turn to receive or give help. When a disaster or other emergency strikes. If you prefer to connect to a Call Specialist, call 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898211 (txt211).
Information available from 2-1-1 during and following a Disaster or other Emergency:
- Location of emergency shelters
- Road closures
- Animal evacuation sites
- Where to find food and water
- How to access government or nonprofit resources
- How to volunteer to help
- How to make a donation
- How to locate family and friends
Agency Updates
Agencies can help 2-1-1 during a time of Disaster or other Emergency by letting us know of any emergency-related services they offer, and by keeping us informed as changes occur. Email: info@211norcal.org
Are you prepared?
Disasters and other emergencies don’t wait for us to be prepared. Why not take steps today?
American Red Cross’ Three Steps to Preparedness:
For more information about how to prepare your family and home, including an online module and plans for children, seniors, people with disabilities, and pets, visit: www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family
Go to www.redcross.org/prepare/disaster for information about how to prepare for specific types of disasters such as home fires and winter storms.
Find additional Disaster Preparedness Resources on 2-1-1:
- Go to our main page (211siskiyou.org), scroll down to “Find Resources For” and click the Emergency & Disaster icon.